Psychiatrists Raising Awareness About The Impacts Of Climate Change On Mental Health
About The Climate Psychiatry Alliance
Climate instability is one of the most urgent public health threats of the 21st century. The CPA creates and promotes resources to educate the public and other mental health professionals about the mental health impacts of climate change, and advocates as a group to mitigate these effects.
Learn About Climate Psychiatry
While climate change is one of the most significant threats to health worldwide, the current and future effects of climate change on mental health are both underappreciated and under-studied. Learn more about how climate disruption and mental health intersect, and share this information with others.
Climate Change Resources
CPA resources are targeted to patients, families, professionals and other climate allies. From toolkits on how to protect against extreme heat, to the Climate Aware Therapist directory, the CPA has resources to support individual and community mental health in the face of climate disruption.