Climate Psychiatry Alliance 2022 Achievements
We have made enormous strides:
We have updated our reach through our improved website and sustained social media
We have expanded our resources to include toolkits on coping with extreme heat and managing climate distress and collaborated on a toolkit about managing wildfire smoke with University of California San Francisco student
We are developing curriculum for medical/health education
We continue to develop and promote our Climate Aware Therapist directory in partnership with the Climate Psychology Alliance, provide training for Climate Aware Therapists. We were thrilled when the directory was promoted in resource material by the hit Netflix film Don’t Look Up
Our members are leaders within the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) caucus and committee on Climate Change and Mental Health, and have presented at over a dozen APA meetings.
We promoted voting as essential climate action thru focused social media communications and partnership with Voting 4 Climate & Health and VotER to help helath professionals and patients understand that voting gives them a voice in the policies that affect access to health care, clean air and water, and a safe climate to live in.
In partnership with Climate Psychology Alliance, we are hard at work on creating the Ecopsychepedia a free, online repository for reliable, up to date and practical information on climate disruption, and the impacts on mental health, which would be available for policy-makers, journalists, academics and the general public.
We are called upon by many journalists for expert contributions; we have provided a voice for climate distress through numerous interviews in many major publications, including the New York Times, National Public Radio and the Washington Post
We have testified for Our Children’s Trust and lobbied before Congress.
We have offered expert advice for legislative and policy efforts. We have submitted major policy suggestions to SAMSHA, advice for legislative action and bills for State Legislatures for evaluating and addressing mental health needs arising from climate change and are the mental health voice for American Lung Association, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health and other major groups.
Our leaders are contributing to major psychiatric journals and professional literature on this emerging field, with books in progress.
We continue to have outsized representation in the media, as the go-to group when questions about the mental health implications of climate change arise.
We have grown our alliances with other climate groups, participating in the development of COP2, the beginnings of plan to address the needs and emotions of people as we implement COP goals.
Nurturing and mentoring our young colleagues thru growing our Early Career Network group and Speakers’ Circle
And more.!
As we prepare of 2023, we are already being called upon for our input.