2024 Major Achievements
Our Voice in the Public Domain
Numerous interviews with journalists, including National Public Radio (NPR), Nature Magazine, Inside Climate News, Axios and many local news outlets, radio, podcast, and TV interviews and international news outlets
Estimated reach: several million viewers
Professional and General Education:
Ecopsychepedia: CPA helped to formally launch and fiscally sponsors this work
Go-to source for information on how human activity has caused the climate crisis, on how the crisis is now, in turn, affecting us – and, critically, on what we can do about it.
Presentations to numerous professional groups, academic institutions, webinars, courses. Estimated reach: ten thousand
Presentations to public and lay audiences. Estimated reach: one thousand
Curriculum development for health/mental health professionals and psychiatrists across all levels, under development. Early development of a postgraduate mental health subspecialty program
Developed a Slide Deck Repository resource for CPA members
Teaching in courses for health professionals and psychiatric trainees at all levels.
Columns in trade journals: Psychiatric Times, Psychiatry News
Active leaders have developed peer reviewed articles and book chapters including:
Climate Change & Youth Mental Health by Elizabeth Haase, Kelsey Hudson
Climate and Your Mind edited by Lise Van Susteren, MD, free digital online book
Policy Change
Testified as expert witness and participation with “Our Children’s Trust” representing young people in various legal suits against government entities for adverse impacts of climate change on youth mental health.
Contributed amicus briefs for many of these cases
Educate and advocate for State government to include assessment of climate mental health vulnerabilities, needs and development of readiness and response in their state climate.
Continued to provide testimony to various governmental agencies including Environmental Protection Agency on mental health impacts of air pollution and other climate change impacts and state legislative bills, heat exposure OSHA standards being developed for outdoor and indoor workers.
Endorsed the Resolution on Children’s Health and Extreme Weather by US Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan.
Submission of testimony on important policy issues & signed onto over 25 letters to government officials, public policy makers, and other stakeholders on climate health/mental health issues.
Patient Care:
Creation of patient and public resources focused on children/youth and climate, and coping with climate distress
Expanded national directory of Climate Aware Therapists in collaboration with Climate Psychology Alliance.
Provided trainings for Climate Aware Therapists in collaboration with Climate Psychology Alliance-North America.
American Psychiatric Association:
Chairpersonship and membership on the APA Committee on Climate Change and Mental Health as well as leadership on the Climate Change and Mental Health Caucus.
Presented at APA meetings.
Authored and promoted several Assembly Action Papers
Advocacy for climate leaders for APA elections/leadership
Early Career Network:
40+ active Early Career Network members, contributing time, talent, and energy to CPA Working Group efforts and other projects like Social Media and Ecopsychopedia
Stimulating variety of monthly meetings with presentations/discussions open to all interested clinicians
Training ECN members to present and lead discussions about climate mental health in our Speakers’ Bureau
Host a Speakers’ Circle meeting every 3 months for CPA members to debrief the latest public speaking engagements and hone our climate communication skills
Mentorship of medical students, residents and ECP
Production of a ECN specific newsletter to share climate psychiatry related events and opportunities
Social Media:
Creation of Climate Psychiatry Alliance Youtube Account with over 15 video resources available and growing
Launched the Climate Psychiatry Alliance Podcast - Listen Here! Hosted by Mario Nájera
Expanded CPA reach by connecting with members on LinkedIn
Collaboration with American Psychiatric Association on Instagram short form videos on climate and mental health education, attracting more that 5,700 views on our latest post. See a sample short form video
Developed and continued growth to our alliance/partner program
Strengthened our continued collaboration with Climate Psychology Alliance, North America and Climate Psychology Alliance, UK on major projects
Leadership and significant input on mental health impacts to Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health
Participation in American Lung Assoc. Healthy Partners
Expand international alliances
Support BIPOC programs
Membership & Community Engagement:
New membership growth (average 14 month); current membership over 1,300
Hosted 8 events including Book Clubs, Journal Clubs, and Poetry Nights
Over 100 members attended these community events
Collaborate on expanded voting projects to engage public and patients to vote and identifying voting as a climate action. Held a Voter Engagement event with the Environmental Voter Project
Developed local networks within the CPA membership, including Midwest and Southeast Regional Hubs