Climate & Health Organizations
Here are a number of organizations that you can join right now as a supporting member or active leader. Each organization has a different culture and way of functioning. There is a place for anyone who wants to engage.
Psychiatry + Climate Groups
American Psychiatric Association
Climate Change and Mental Health Caucus. Influence the APA to have a leading voice on climate change and mental health by joining the caucus
Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster Active APA committee focused on Disaster Psychiatry. Meetings are open to membership during APA conferences.
Health and Medical Organizations Taking on Climate Change
Medical Societies Consortium on Climate and Health is a consortium that ensures that the health risks of climate change (and the health benefits of climate solutions) are presented to the public and policymakers. Membership of the major medical societies representing nearly half of the physicians in the USA and individual physicians as advocates for climate and health
Health Care Without Harm is an organization that works to transform healthcare worldwide to reduce environmental footprint and develop sustainable practices in health delivery systems and provide leadership in worldwide environmental health and justice.
US Climate and Health Alliance is a national network of health and public-health practitioners addressing the threat of climate change to health. Find their excellent resources here.
Climate for Health empowers health Leaders to act on climate change.
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) works to create a healthy, just, and peaceful world with advocacy on issues that threaten communities with a particular focus on the prevention of nuclear war and proliferation, eliminating nuclear power, reversing the trajectory toward climate change, and protecting the public from environmental toxins.
My Green Doctor is a free practice management tool to help doctors adopt environmentally sustainable practices in their offices—while saving money.
Noteworthy Environmental Activist Organizations
These are groups working to fight the root causes of climate change, to pressure humanity away from dependency on fossil fuels, and to advocate for the shift to a renewable energy economy.
Citizens’ Climate Lobby Creating the political will for a sustainable world through legislative lobbying for a national carbon tax and 100% revenue return to American families. Global grassroots political movement with the goal of opposing fossil fuels, building a low carbon economy, and moving to 100% clean energy. Projects in local communities with an emphasis on environmental justice.
Sierra Club Emerging from the founding conservationist, John Muir, Sierra Club has become one of the largest and most active grassroots environmental organizations. They have developed explicit political strategies to oppose fossil fuels and environmental degradation with a strong commitment to environmental justice. Chapters work on local community issues.