Join CPA’s Early Career Network
What is the early career network?
We are a collective of climate-concerned medical students and mental health professionals - a lot of us are currently psychiatric providers, however we really welcome anyone involved in public health, and we would love to become an interdisciplinary group. We welcome people from inside and outside the medical fields.
Our group is for any health professional who wants to get informed, involved, networked, and trained in climate mental health advocacy, education, and outreach. We are here to build community! Anyone new to climate and mental health counts as early career.
Our definition of early-career is not limited to med students and residents - we mean early-career climate mental health work.
Want to start? Come to a Climate Talk.
Climate Talks, 2nd Tuesday of every month, open to all (not just ECN members): Sometimes our Climate Talks are booked ahead of time with a speaker, and sometimes they'll be thematic group discussions. We also occasionally welcome our members to share things that have inspired their climate mental health work in an open mic. We announce our upcoming Climate Talks on Instagram or FB. Some past topics include:
Eco-anxiety and children's books
Adopting the earth as a relative, by the author of Rehumanizing Medicine
Women's health an climate change
Climate courage, from the founder of and host of Safe Space Radio podcast
How can I get more involved?
Join one of our main ECN group meetings, held on the 1st or 3rd Tuesday of each month, from 5PM PST - 6PM PST. In these meetings we:
Orient new members to the group
Share exciting upcoming events and relevant news about climate mental health
Connect our members with other CPA and external projects, such as the Ecopsychepedia and the Climate Resources for Health Education Initiative (
Prepare for our Climate Talks and Speakers Circle meetings
To sign up, contact
Request an introductory office hours on a Sunday with Ben Liu, ECN volunteer orienter, by emailing
Once you've met with the ECN at the main meeting, then you can:
Get added to our WhatsApp thread and GoogleDrive team resources
Join our Speaker's Circle is peer-support group within ECN that meets regularly to collectively work to improve our climate mental health presentation methods: refining and collaborating on our menu of slides, as well as training each-other to give talks at our institutions. We meet monthly:
Speaker's Circle meetings, 1st Sunday of every month, 5PM PST-6PM PST: At these meetings, the Speaker's Circle members come together to share our favorite slides, to share our revelations on effective presenting on climate and mental health, and prepare to give presentations in the community and medical settings (we're constantly getting requests to present at Grand Rounds or APA District Branch webinars)