Voting is a Social Determinant of Mental Health

The American Medical Association recently issued two important declarations: 

 1) Climate Change Is A Public Health Crisis &

2) Voting Is A Social Determinant Of Health 

People who vote influence their health outcomes and what action is taken on climate change.  As health professionals, we can help our patients understand that VOTING gives them a voice in the policies that affect access to health care, clean air and water, and a safe climate to live in. 

That’s why Voting 4 climate & Health in collaboration with Climate Psychiatry Alliance is partnering with Vot-ER.  

Vot-ER integrates voter registration into the healthcare delivery system. Vot-ER seeks to engage health professionals in turning patients into registered and consistent voters, based on a core belief that empowered voices and full participation in the democratic process lead to positive health outcomes.

Join us in using Vot-ER tools to uplift patient voices today!  

What you can do:

Present to your administration or at grand rounds using  pre-made slides 

Send an email to your colleagues and peers, and ask them to get Vot-ER badges.

Get involved with Voting!

Working on Getting out the Vote is Pro-Climate Action that you can do between NOW and the Nov. 2024 election. Consider connecting with various voting groups listed below, as compiled by CPA Steering Committee Member Robert Feder.

Groups that are involved in getting people to get involved with the political process and vote

Groups that are involved in getting people to get involved with the political process and vote, with a particular emphasis on climate-related issues:


Groups that teach and practice Deep Canvassing: A process that involves intensive one-to-one discussions with potential voters or registered voters to get them motivated to use their voting rights:

(*Those with an asterisk has a special focus on climate issues)